Since its establishment, Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA) has been
active in pursuing international ties and international exchange for arts activities and
In line with the trend of globalization, “the International Exchange Center” was established in 2006 to help the University cultivating close
partnerships with internationally famous arts institutions and universities, and also developing student exchange programs.
The university has not only increasing its international collaborations but also visited by many international professors, artists and students; We also provide exchange student programme for excellent students to overseas for further connection between TNUA and other international institutions.
The number of international students has been increasing steadily. It has created a learning environment that broadens students’ international perspectives. In 2018, with needs to maintain our current ties as well as to establish more profound exchanges and collaborations, International Exchange Center officially renamed into “Office of International Affairs (OIA)”, hoping to elevate the international works and projects that TNUA has been doing for years.
TNUA is actively seeking to establish formal relationships with world- famous arts institution, not only forming a firm base for a highly efficient international network, but also expanding its global visibility of both TNUA and arts education in Taiwan.
Dr. Yatin LIN., Dance scholar., Ph.D. in Dance History and Theory from the University of California, Riverside, USA., Associate professor at the Dance Department of the National Taipei University of the Arts.
Lin has published a monograph Sino-Corporealities: Contemporary Choreographies from Taipei, Hong Kong, and New York and contributed articles to the Routledge Dance Studies Reader, Keywords of Taiwan Theory (in Chinese), and Corporeal Politics: Dancing East Asia, as well as edited and co-authored Pina Bausch (in Chinese). Her articles have been translated and published in French, Korean, and Portuguese.
Former President of Taiwan Dance Research Society (TDRS) and former Director of the Society for Dance History Scholars (SDHS), she also served as the Co-Chair of the 10th Taishin Arts Award (2011) in Taiwan.
Tel. | +886 2 2896-1000 *2606
Lecturer, School of Dance, Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA). Artistic Director of Collision Motion Lab, Ballet Master of Cloud Gate Dance Theatre, Taiwan. Co-director/ creator of Dance Park Taiwan. As former dancer with American Repertory Ballet (2003-2007), and Atlanta Ballet (2007-2008), USA, Lin holds MFA degree in Dance Choreography from TNUA and BFA degree from SUNY Purchase ,USA with awards. Lin is known by by his choreographies in dance education and mega event works in the 2009 World Games and the 2017 FISU Universiade Opening Ceremony.
Tel. | +886 2 2896-1000 *2604
Yang holds a PhD in art history at the University of York, and is currently an assistant professor serving for the Taipei National University of the Arts.
She is an initiator and co-organiser of ICOM UK’s Student and Emerging Professional.Yang is a holder of the 2021 Kuo Hsueh-Hu Award issued by the National Museum of History, Taiwan, for only one researcher every two years.Yang holds MAs in History and Philosophy of Art at the University of Kent and Museum Studies at the Taipei National University of the Arts.She was a researcher at the Museum Preparatory Department of Taipei Lungshan Temple and a conservator specialising in paper works at Taipei Conservation Center.
Tel. | +886 2 2896-1000 *
以第一獎畢業於法國國立巴黎高等音樂院電子音樂暨作曲組。並於同年獲選 IRCAM CURSUS 2016-2017 作曲家/研究員進入IRCAM研究中心,在2017年發表當年度研究作品「Réplisome III」。於2018年再度受邀IRCAM研究中心,為IRCAM國際藝術節創作劇場與電子音樂之跨域製作「Déjà la nuit tombait」.
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